Nina Dobrev Expresses Her Heartbreak After Her 18-Year-Old Cat Dies: ''My Longest Relationship, My Rock, My Best Friend''

After 18 years, Nina Dobrev had to say goodbye to her cat Lynx over the weekend.
The actress took to Instagram Saturday to share a cryptic post about having the greatest friends even in the "darkest of times." Then, on Monday, she revealed her cat had passed away when she wrote a heartfelt post to honor her "best friend."
"To my sweet sweet angel," she began. "As I look back on the last 18 years together, I smile through my tears. You brought me so much joy, love, unlimited cuddles and so many sandpaper kisses. I still remember the first day I brought you home, the size of a tea cup purring as I held you in my hands. You were so fragile and furry, as soft as the worlds tiniest cashmere blanket. I knew in that moment you were my soulmate."
She continued, "From there our long journey began and we were inseparable. We grew up together in Toronto, then you followed me to Atlanta, from there we road tripped across the United States through New Orleans, Austin City, Amarillo Texas, Santa Fe, Las Vegas, we even saw the Grand Canyon for our first time together. Our final chapter and destination together was here in Los Angeles. I hope I was able to give you a beautiful happy life filled with love, because that's what you gave me."
In fact, Dobrev says her cat's death has been on of the hardest things she's ever experienced.
"Saying goodbye to you on Saturday was the most difficult thing I have had to do in my life. It was bittersweet, but I'm so happy I got to hold you in my arms one last time," she continued. "My heart hurts, I miss you more than I words can explain but I can still feel your presence, energy and light. I know you're still with me and will always be a part of me, no matter where I go. "
She concluded, "In sickness and in health until death do us part.  My longest relationship, my rock, my best friend. I love you."

Her cat's passing comes just a few days after she shouted out to her feline friend for National Puppy Day.
"You hear people say 'dogs are a man's best friend.' She might not be one, but she's my best friend so today on #NationalPuppyDay I celebrate my main squeeze," Dobrev wrote beside a photo of Lynx. "She may not bark, but she fits the criteria in every other way. She follows me everywhere I go, she loves me unconditionally, she sleeps with me (often on me), she licks me, she constantly begs for food, I pick up her poop. I love you, you furry little critter."


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