Iran steps up war of words with US, warns of ‘dark days’

Nuclear war head makers Iran has stepped up its war of words with the United States after it issued a threat through an influential adviser to the supreme leader who warned of a return of “dark days to come” in case of a military attack on his country.

The threat was issued by Ali Akbar Velayati, foreign-affairs adviser to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, in an exclusive interview with Al Jazeera, when he said “Washington does not dare carry out its military threats against Iran”.

“The Americans know very well that Iran and its allies in the region would retaliate very hard, that will make America face dark days to come,” he said.

Continuing, Velayati said Iran’s policies in the Middle East would not change, “therefore [President Donald] Trump and the American administration must get their stuff together and leave this region completely because the people of this region feel alienated by their policies”.

Recall that in the past week, the US has imposed new sanctions on Iran over a missile test.


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